Top 10 Ways to Maximize your Direct Mail Outcomes with Digital Roll-Fed Printing
the use of digital, roll-fed printers to produce direct mail materials, which has numerous benefits like being cost-effective, fast and it improves personalization.
Insurance Edition: How to Maximize Your ROI by Using Direct Mail
Direct mail continues to provide the highest ROI (return on investment) of all marketing channels according to marketers1. While digital marketing strategies have gained budget share, direct mail offers unique benefits and opportunities for insurance companies to...Direct Mail: Why It’s Perfectly Suited to the Insurance Sector
You cannot get away from having insurance – whether it’s for your health, your house, your car or even your pet – you want to have a sense of security for it all. Having insurance is a long-lasting commitment of high value, and when I think of these traits, I...Direct Mail – Will it work for your products & services?
What kind of products and services are promoted most effectively using direct mail?
The kind that would get a fantastic return on the investment from this highly targeted and engaging communication channel. After all, we want you to choose a marketing tactic based on its aiimazing outcomes.